Educational Booth

Call For Price

All Ages

English French

Are you planning an upcoming event and trying to find a way to make it extraordinary? We may just be what you are looking for! Our educational booths are a perfect way to learn all about PWRC, wildlife rehabilitation, and Manitoba wildlife with a special appearance by a few of our ambassadors. In addition, our educational booths include animal artifacts that offer a tactile experience for your guests.

Planifiez-vous un évènement et vous cherchez pour quelque chose pour l’améliorer? Nous pouvons vous aider! Nos kiosques éducatifs sont une façon idéale pour apprendre à propos de PWRC, la réhabilitation des animaux sauvages, et de la faune du Manitoba avec l’aide de nos ambassadeurs!

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We will get in contact with you to finalize the dates. If you would like to get in contact with us please use:

Education Program Coordinator
Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre
Phone: (204) 806-8890

An invoice will be sent once the registration has been confirmed. Payment due on or before presentation date.

PWRC Charity #826093155RR0001