Is PWRC a government agency?

No, PWRC is a non-profit charity, run by volunteers. Our charity number is 826093155RR0001. If you’re interested in volunteering with PWRC, please fill out our volunteer application.

What is your mission statement?

Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre Inc. (PWRC) is a non-profit organization whose main goal is to treat injured and orphaned wildlife and to successfully release them back into their natural habitat. To maximize survival rates and ensure integration once in the wildlife population, PWRC uses effective and state of the art rehabilitation techniques, such as integrative medical therapies, including both conventional and homeopathic medications, as well as attention to environmental enrichment techniques. The PWRC also takes an active role in public education regarding wildlife issues as well as research activities including tracking released animals and documenting the success of natural treatments to assist other wildlife rehabilitation organizations.

Does PWRC receive government funding?

Currently, PWRC doesn’t receive monetary support from the government for the operation of our wildlife centre. PWRC applies yearly to the government for summer student positions to help with the heavy load of wildlife during the months of May-August. We are not guaranteed these positions and must compete with all other applications. Please consider becoming a member and donating towards the care of injured and orphaned wildlife.

Where does PWRC receive its funding?

PWRC receives support from the general public through its members and donors, merchandise, special events and fundraisers. Please consider becoming a member or donating to help support our wildlife centre. In 2018, we received over 1600 wildlife patients and each year our admissions increase by 30%. To operate our wildlife rehabilitation costs over $70,000 yr. All donations over $10 is tax deductible.

If I made a donation, where would my money

Answer: 95% of all proceeds are directed towards the care of our wildlife patients from medications to veterinary visits, to food supplies and enclosure maintence. Your donation will make a huge impact to our wildlife patients. To make an online donation, click here.

I might be interested in volunteering. How do I start?

Answer: Volunteers can fill out a volunteer application to see if they are interested in a certain area. We will hold volunteer orientations approximately twice a year that new volunteers can attend to learn all about PWRC and our policies and mandates. If you are pregnant, on long-term antibiotic or steroid therapy, or have an immunosuppressant disorder, or are allergic to nuts or peanuts, you may only volunteer non-animal related positions, as working with wildlife may cause complications to your health. Volunteers under the age of 18 cannot volunteer in the animal care area unless through a school program. Once a form is filled out and you will be contacted by the coordinator in that area. After the second or three volunteer training session, volunteers must pay their membership fees in order to be covered by our permits.

I have found a baby wild animal. What do I do?

Read the following section about infant and orphan wildlife.

Where can I drop off the animal I found?

Unless the animal is obviously injuried or sick (ie depressed, cold, lethargic), we encourage you to first talk to one of our volunteer wildlife rehabilitators to make sure the animal doesn’t need to go back with its parents. The animals injured, sick or truly orphaned can be dropped off at the Pembina Emergency Veterinary Clinic, 400 Pembina Highway, which is open 24 hrs/day. Another drop off is located at the Wildbirds Unlimited Store, 45-11 Reenders Dr (in the same parking lot as the Sobey’s Grocery Store off Lagimodiere) during their business hours. We also may have closer drop off locations to you or possibly arrange pick up if we have a volunteer available. Call 204-510-1855.

Can I keep the animal I found?

No, it is illegal to keep or sell wildlife. These animals can be dangerous and destructive once they have reached full maturity. Wildlife usually carry parasites and possible diseases that are transferable to humans and domestic animals. Wildlife need to be feed specialized diets and kept in safe enclosures. Its always in the best interest of the animal to be taken to a permitted wildlife rehabilitator/centre. Please consider adopting a pet from a local pet rescue/shelter as these animals cannot survive in the wild on their own.

Can you come and get the injured animal in my yard?

Yes we can help you, depending on how far away you are from our Centre. We have volunteers who can help you contain and transport the animal. We do encourage and support the finder to contain and transport the patient if at all possible, saving us valuable volunteer time and creating a unique experience for the finder. We encourage you to call us for advice when finding an injured animal as we do not want further injuries to the patient, nor do we want you getting hurt.

What items do you need regularly?

We can always use laundry soap, extra large garbage bags, bleach, fresh veggies, frozen berries, frozen smelt, newspaper, old t-shirts, paper towel, monetary donations, Canadian Tire money, volunteers and gift cards. In the fall, we are looking for pine cones, acorns, dried pumpkin seeds and berries (mountain ash berries, choke cherries) to store for our spring and summer patients. Please check out our wishlist for a full list of items. If the item you wish to donate is not on our list, please contact PWRC as it may be something we will need.

How many animals do you help each year?

In 2018, we received over 1600 animals from January to December. A majority of animals are admitted during the summer months.

What types of animals do you help?

We treat all species of birds (such as sparrows to eagles), reptiles (turtles and snakes), and small to medium sized mammals (rabbits, squirrels, to coyotes). We’re not permitted to rehabilitate skunks, deer, and bears, but please call us if you are having any concerns with these species. We are always willing to help find solutions.

PWRC Charity #826093155RR0001